When our wonderful Katie was tragically paralyzed by a spinal tumor at the age of ten, we discovered that she had a very special gift. It was a gift for living life to the fullest. Everyone who met Katie could see that gift in her beautiful sparkling smile.
Katie began participating in wheelchair sports while she was undergoing rehabilitation at the A.I. DuPont Institute Hospital. She put her heart and soul into practicing and competing. Through her hard work and total determination, our Katie rose to become a national wheelchair track champion in the 100-meters race. However, Katie didn’t stop there. She also set a new national 25-meter swimming record in her class the same year.
Wheelchair sports gave Katie, and all of the other children who participated, an important sense of accomplishment, and the courage to face the odds. These sports events also gave our family a positive focus, as they were something that we could all share.
When our brave, wonderful Katie died in 1989, just after her twelfth birthday, we wanted her spirit to live on in the wheelchair athletes of today and tomorrow.
Please help us share Katie's gift with others. To contact us for our contribution address or other information please click this Katie Kirlin Fund link.
When contributing to United Way remember The Katie Kirlin Fund, Donor Option Number 01238.
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